Monthly Live Talks & Meditations

with David, Cody & Friends

Join live sessions every first Thursday of the month at 12 PM Pacific.
Can’t make it live? No worries—catch up anytime with full access to our growing library of replays. Learn, grow, and practice at your own pace.
Join Now for Free!


Live Talks & Meditations

with David, Cody & Friends

Tune in for live sessions every first Thursday of the month at 12 PM Pacific.
Can’t make it live? No worries—catch up anytime with full access to our growing library of replays. Learn, grow, and practice at your own pace.

Join Now for Free!

Why Join?

Learn Energy Tools

What if you could approach every day with a toolkit designed not just for survival, but for thriving? Equip yourself with the essential skills to orchestrate the unseen energy that surrounds us all. It’s not magic; it’s method.

Deepen Your Practice

Going deeper isn’t about more time spent—it’s about more impact made. Refine your spiritual routines with practices that aren’t just performed, but lived. This isn’t about doing; it’s about becoming.

Heal Yourself

Imagine a world where you are your own healer. Initiate a dialogue with your body and soul to restore balance at your own cadence. This isn’t just recovery; it’s discovery.

Awaken Your Spiritual Abilities

There are dimensions of your consciousness waiting to be explored. Step beyond the known. Activate a new reality where your spiritual capacities not only emerge but flourish. This is where potential meets practice.

Who Should Register?

  • Individuals seeking to expand their spiritual knowledge and practices.
  • Those looking for expert guidance in personal development.
  • Anyone interested in joining a supportive community focused on growth and learning.

Calendar of Monthly Classes

⭐ What's Included? ⭐

When you register for the Live Talks and Meditations, you're not just signing up for live classes—you're gaining access to a comprehensive suite of benefits designed to accelerate your growth and mastery in the realms of personal and spiritual development.

Class Library

Get access to a library classes and trainings. From the foundational principles to advanced techniques, our curriculum is designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, ensuring continuous learning and development.

Priority Access to New Offerings

You’ll receive early notifications about our upcoming live training sessions. This priority access ensures that you never miss an opportunity to expand your toolkit and engage with new, cutting-edge content in real-time.

Community Interaction

Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are also on their paths to personal and spiritual growth. Exchange insights, seek advice, and share your experiences in a supportive and motivating environment.


A Sneak Peak of What's Inside The Class Library

Some of the Classes Inside

  • Awakening Your Spiritual Abilities
  • How to do an Intuitive Energy Reading on Yourself
  •  Psychic Seeing vs Psychic Feeling
  •  Psychic Tools for Empaths
  •  4 Day Intuitive Training
  •  The Fundamentals of Seeing Energy

Your Guides

Your Guides

"In just a few short months, I experienced accelerated personal growth. I’m more centred and grounded in my daily life; I’ve worked through and released long-standing patterns and pain points that kept me stuck; I’m no longer triggered by certain personality types; I am in a place of more joy and ease rather than “effort” most of the time - I even laugh more often; I’m more clear about the next steps in my life, and since I’m manifesting more and more, the next steps feel very within my reach! I can’t recommend this program enough!"


"Since starting a consistent meditation practise with the help of David nd Cody, my life has completely changed for the better. I am able to shift my energy and my emotions and handle hard situations in a different matter. I am able to see the present and not live in the past or the future. With this training on top of my meditation practice, I am able to sharpen my skills of working with energy and becoming neutral with my own energy to be able to feel others energy. I am able to get to a happier place faster and I am able to let things go easily"


"Learning meditation from David has changed my life. I began working with him privately and took his online grounded mind program for a year, along with a few other amazing courses he offered. I was able to shift so much energy and feel, and see results and changes in my life that were incredibly healing and exciting. I went on to take David & Cody’s 2 year Intuition training program and I can honestly say it has been the most profound, deeply healing and empowering journey I have experienced. He is a true teacher, and his humor, humanity, spiritual awareness, honesty and compassion are gifts he brings to students and people all over the world. I can not recommend him and his programs enough! Thank you David for being such a special teacher on my path."



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